picture is from candicekitchen.com |
Asian people are so little, in both height and width. Especially in comparison to fellow Americans, Asians are typically much thinner. Does this have to do with genetics, or the food they may or may not consume? I am going to guess that it us a little bit of both. The main course does not consist of meat, but is very focused on rice and vegetables. Their culture's food pyramid is much different than ours, they typically only eat red meat about once a month, eggs and poultry weekly, and daily eat fruits, vegetables, rice, and sometimes fish. This is drastically different from the typical diet of an American. For most Americans, red meat is a daily part of their diet, and they rarely get all five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. A lot of people think that Asians are just naturally skinny as a result of genetics. This is true for any race or ethinicity. Lets say that two people eat the same exact diet for a month. Will those individuals gain or lose the exact same amount of weight? Of course not, because no two bodies are exactly alike. While it is true that most Asians are built with a smaller frame, that does not necessarily mean that they are destined to be thin. I know plenty of Americans that are "thin as a rail " no matter what they eat they cannot gain weight. While genetics does play a role in a persons body build, diet is equally as important to staying at a healthy weight.
Dear Flabberghasting Food,
ReplyDeleteI knew Oriental people typically ate rice with their meals but I never knew they rarely ate red meat. As an American, I cannot imagine doing that.
Stating that genetics plays a role helps readers understand it's not just all about food sometimes. Putting the picture up really draws readers to you blog.
I really like your message and the rest of your blog too!
Sleepless In Conway
Dear Flabberghasting Food
ReplyDeleteIts very interestineg to see how their pyramid works. I must say they really stick to their pyramid their are many asians who have healthy frames. As americans I am sorry to say most of us do not follow our pyramid or suspect that the pyramid has a few mistakes to begin with. Just eating rice and only having red meat once a month I could live without but I do totally crave for the stuff at some point. Seeing this makes me really understand how they are so healthy. Good Job and keep up the good work.
Dear Kayla,
ReplyDeleteThis is an awesome post. It is also really interesting. Thank you so much for posting this.