Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Graham Crackers...what exactly are they?

picture provided by: foodsenseatevergreen.wordpress.com
I was chomping down on a cinnamon graham cracker last night with my roomate when she decides to ask me "what is in a graham cracker?" That is a grand question! I had never thought about it, so I thought I would do some research. They began in the 1800's when a minister by the name of  Sylvester Graham decided to go on a health craze. He used graham flour which is whole grain wheat flour that has not been sifted. This provides the unique texture to this cracker. There is also honey, molasses and the occasional pinch of cinnamon mixed in as well. I am sure this was quite a tasty treat, but of course we had to modernize it and make it more unhealthy. We use a ton of butter, baking soda, and brown sugar in them. So is the graham cracker a healthy snack? It is said that it holds a good amount of fiber in it, however does the amount of sugar outweigh the good in it? I guess if you are having a sweet tooth this would be a good alternative to a cookie or some icecream. I will always enjoy putting peanut butter and marshmallow on a cinnamon graham cracker. After microwaving this combination of food, it is a delicious treat! If you would like to learn more about the history of the graham cracker check out this web page: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-graham-crackers.htm.


  1. Dear flabfood,

    I loved this post! I love graham crackers. They are my absolute fav!! I will seriously eat them like candy. I enjoyed hearing the history of the graham cracker also. I never really thought about all the sugars in them though. Oh well.. I seriously do not think I could ever turn down these delicious treats! Great post :)


  2. Dear Kayla,

    That's pretty neat! I've never thought about where graham crackers came from. Heck, after this class, I'm skeptical on thinking where any food comes from now. When you said that modern graham crackers are more unhealthy than before now, I couldn't help but chuckle. It seems like today we have to make everything easier to make, as well as a lot more unhealthy. It's kind of sad. Now I'm craving some graham crackers... Thanks for posting!

    Tee Sun

  3. Dear Karlor,

    I LOVE this post! I used to live off graham crackers as a childhood snack. I used to dip them in water (gross i know) and eat them. It is good to know that they can be easily made from simple ingredients. Maybe I will get the fancy to try to make them for my kids. I also agree that they are better than the processed cookie for our health. keep up the good writing!

    Sincerely, Sebastian

  4. Dear Kayla,
    This is an awesome post. It is also really interesting. Thank you so much for posting this.

