Thursday, November 11, 2010

What the heck is an acai berry?

picture from:
As I was chatting with my mother, the topic of the acai berry came up. I love fruit, and hearing of another type that could potentially help you loose weight was exciting to hear. This just sounded to good to be true, so I did some research on WebMD. I was crushed to hear that there are not too many experiments to back up the theory that acai berries help you lose weight. Now the question is why would someone promote this super berry if it's not all that it's cracked up to be? This to me is just another example of fraud. It is hard know who to believe these days when it comes to weight loss. Have no fear, this acai berry is good for you because it has more antioxidants that any other berry known to mankind. There are many studies that have yet to be done on the acai. I am anxious to see all the benefits of the acai berries, and hopefully they will become a little more affordable over time. I just wish that people would get their facts straight before promoting something.


  1. Dear Flabfood,

    I completely agree with you on the weight loss points you made. There are an uncountable amount of weight loss programs out there and really how is a berry going to curve down your curves. I like that you went to a reliable source so your support was factual. Good job and people really should get "their facts straight before promoting something."

    you might be a fat ass if

  2. Dear Karlor,
    I've never heard of the acai berry! It seems pretty interesting that this berry isn't very well known, but yet it seems to be beneficial? Weird.
    I completely agree that a lot of things in the food industry are misleading. I think a lot of the people in the industry just go for the money, instead of making the healthiest food for us.
    We just have to have each other's back, instead of relying on the industry. At least we have this class to enlighten us!
    Great post, thanks for writing!

  3. Dear Karlor,

    It is a sad and unfortunate truth that the market will say just about anything to make a quick buck. All natural products are very popular today, especially when they may benefit us in some way. I remember when coral calcium was the rage. Supposedly, it was better for absorption. This idea was never scientifically proven. For sure, you cannot always believe what you hear. Good job KARLOR! THANKS!!!

    Sincerely, Sebastian

  4. Dear Kayla,
    This is an awesome post. It is also really interesting. Thank you so much for posting this.

